Wednesday 25 November 2009

Paramore- Decode Analysis

Decode was the official music video for the film Twilight, as the song was used in the movie. The music video shows shots from the actual film, I am going to analyse Just the music video rather than the film clips. The video is both performance and narrative.
Setting the scene is a forest this is in correlation with the film; a bird’s eye view sets the scene. This then fades into extreme close up of a guitar on a rotating axes, this shows the first part of the performance. Zooms are reverse zooms are used to show all band members, mainly focusing on the main lead singer.
The lead singer is in the middle of the forest and the background is moving behind her. This represents the world moving around her but she is still showing use she is in her own world. A above shot also enforces the opinion of the lead singer being in her own world, because the Ariel shots allows us to see the background with nobody around.
Lots of dolly shots on spinning axes are used this reveals all angles of the characters and band members.

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