Tuesday 24 November 2009

Rough Cut Paramore Conspiracy Music Video

This is a rough cut of our music video, we will be making many changes to this video in the final cut. For legal and copyright reasons we have deleted all audio. In the final video audio will be present for the Examiners copy.

All Members of my class evaulated my music video
I have been rating other members of my class’s music video, I have been given a sheet with questions like what is good about this music video? What constructive criticism would you give to this music video? Out of five how would you rate this video? This allow me to day what is good and what is not so good.
I have found using the class assessment very useful, as I have underlined what needs to be changed in my music video. I already knew that many aspects of my video needed adjustments, the feedback from the class gave me other ideas and reinforced mine. I got feedback from other groups including teacher and this is what they thought.

I found that all of the groups said that black and white affect “creates a arty feel” I also thought that it was a good technique and it was very effective. However, I have came to realise, due to the analysis feedback, that in particular parts the contrast is to high and it makes the characters dresses blend into her skin as a group we will have to edit the brightness of the shot so that it is clearer to the audience.

They also commented on the contrast between narrative and performance was different because the performance was set in colour. To resolve this problem we may need to put the band in black and white or edit the brightness, contrast and shadowing.

The unclear story line was also noted as many students and teachers commented on not understanding the storyline, this will be edited meaning a reshoot of some parts, this will be done so the story line is made clearer to the audience.
Overall I found that the peer assessments was very useful as it got other opinions on our video, which has now lead me to change things that I did not think were necessarily bad. As a whole we got a 2/3 which is not bad for the first ruff cut, as a group we will be aiming for a 3 /4 for our final video.

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