Tuesday 22 September 2009

Previous Years Music Video

Previous years Music Video
The Unicorn Video

At the start of the music video stop start motion is used create an old chilling feel. Candles also add to this effect. It creates a chiaroscuro effect as they are the only source of lighting in the image. This scene is a great scary scene however the quick cut that is used does not fit with the theme and the lighting change is too drastic it lessens the old chilling feel. The cut is to a performance of the band playing, this is good as it fits with the chorus of the song. Over lapping of film is used during the performance this allows the audience to see the main artist and the rest of the band. I think that this effect is good in that it creates a ghostly feel as the overlapping film is lighter. The band members are wearing white clothes with light blood stains. The expression on the bands face shows that they are zombies. Towards the end of the video more blood stains appear on their clothes this ad’s mystery as to how this is happening. Leafs on the floor add to the scary effect. In the filming of the performance the camera does not move. Zooms are tilts are used, this shows that the music video is amateur.
A cut to a scene of a church is shown a tilt is used to reveal the characters. All of the footage taken is sped up, this makes the film look old fashioned. The characters are wearing a shirt and tie and the girl is wearing a white lace dress. The dress looks old fashioned and ghostly as her skin tone is similar to the dress colour. The church is part of the old creepy theme.
A cut to a forest of the two same characters is shown the characters are walking in front of the camera this is a very good shot as the audience can see the surrounding. The characters sit on a rug and have a picnic extreme close ups reveal the characters relationship with one another. The strawberry being fed to each other support the theory of the characters relationship.
Towards the end of the video the characters from the story join the band. This represents the ending of the video as the two come together to make the music video whole.

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